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時間:2023/08/24 drafted by Yvonne Chen


What are the categories of cosmetics in Australia? What is its official name? What is the intensity of management of different categories? What is the governmental authority of cosmetics? Website?
Evershine RD:

2.澳洲工業化學品引進計劃 (AICIS):隸屬於澳洲政府衛生部,負責監管工業用途進口或製造的化學品。化妝品中的成分即使是天然也作為工業化學品進行監管,但是AICIS 不監管治療商品。

In Australia, beauty products are divided into two categories according to their use: cosmetics and therapeutic products.

  1. Cosmetics: any substance or mixture that comes into contact with the surface of the human body (epidermal, hair and capillaries, nails, lips and external genitalia), or teeth and oral mucosa. Substances and preparations whose primary purpose is to cleanse, to scent, to improve appearance, to improve body odor or to keep the body in good condition. Including soaps, shampoos and conditioners, moisturizers, bath bombs, hair dyes, perfumes, lipsticks, mascaras, nail polishes, deodorants, and many other products, the ingredients in cosmetics can be industrial chemicals.
  2. Therapeutic products: products that prevent, diagnose or treat diseases, or affect the structure/function of the human body, including most whitening lotions, sunscreens, disinfectants, desensitizing toothpastes, supplementary medicines and blood products, etc.

The regulation of cosmetics is administered by three government regulatory agencies:

  1. Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA): Regulates the marketing and supply of therapeutic goods, that is, drugs and products marketed as having a therapeutic effect
  2. Australian Industrial Chemicals Introduction Scheme (AICIS): It belongs to the Australian Government Department of Health and is responsible for the supervision of chemicals imported or manufactured for industrial purposes. Ingredients in cosmetics are regulated as industrial chemicals even if they are natural, but AICIS does not regulate therapeutic commodities.
  3. Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC): responsible for supervising cosmetic labeling and product safety.



If a foreign company wants to sell cosmetics in Australia, no matter if it sets up a 100% subsidiary or branch, does it need to obtain an approval from local health bureau before the company’s registration? If so, what are the requests? What are the required documents and application procedures? Website?
Evershine RD:
1.期限:自註冊日起每年 8 月 31 日到期。
3.外國公司:外國(非澳洲)企業,需要先取得澳洲註冊機構號碼 (ARBN)。
.輸入上一年度(7/1-6/30)期間進口的工業化學品的價值(澳元)。並確認資料無誤。如果是首次註冊,並且上一財政年度沒有引入工業化學品,請輸入 0 澳元。

澳洲註冊機構號碼 (ARBN)
第 1 步-確保名稱可用:https://asic.gov.au/for-business/registering-a-company/steps-to-register-a-company/company-name-availability/
第 2 步-繳交 401 表格
.ASIC 註冊代理號碼(如果適用)
.是否已繳交姓名保留以保留機構的名稱? 如果是,請提供姓名;如果不是,提議的名稱是否與在澳洲註冊的企業名稱相同?如果是,請提供企業名稱註冊詳細資訊
第 3 步-附上證明文件
第 4 步-繳交表格並繳交費用

If you plan to sell any cosmetics purchased from overseas in Australia, no matter how much you sell, you must complete commercial registration with AICIS before importing into Australia.
business registration
1.Term: expires on August 31 every year from the date of registration.
3.Foreign companies: Foreign (non-Australian) companies need to obtain an Australian Registered Body Number (ARBN).
.Register account
.Read the disclaimer
.Enter the business code (ABN for Australian companies; ARBN for foreign companies)
.Password reset and login system
.Enter the value (AUD) of industrial chemicals imported during the previous year (7/1-6/30). And confirm that the information is correct. If you are registering for the first time and no industrial chemicals were introduced in the previous financial year, please enter AUD 0.
.After payment and confirmation of registration, the company name and registration number are obtained.
5.Registration fee: The registration fee depends on the value of industrial chemicals imported in the previous year (7/1-6/30).
6.The value of industrial chemicals = customs value + insurance and freight + customs duties + labor and material costs + factory costs.

Australian Registered Body Number (ARBN)

  1. URL:
  2. Process
    Step 1 – Make sure the name is available:

    Step 2 – Submit Form 401
    .Contact Name/Job Description
    .ASIC registered agent number (if applicable)
    .Phone number, address
    .Body corporate name
    .State or territory of incorporation/incorporation
    .The legislation under which the institution was established or established
    .Has a name reservation been filed to reserve the institution’s name? If yes, please provide the name; if no, is the proposed name the same as the business name registered in Australia? If yes, please provide business name registration details
    .Unit, Class, Street Number, Street Name, Suburb/City, State/Region, Zip Code, Hours of Operation, Does the Company Occupy Space of Registered Office?
    .Details of director or principal: position held, date of appointment, name or company name, residential address, street number and name, suburb/city, state/territory, postcode, country (if not Australia), place of birth (town) /city)(state/country)
    .Applicant Statement: Name, Identity, Signature, Date Signed
    Step 3 – Attach supporting documents
    . Certified copy of Certificate of Incorporation/Incorporation.
    . Certified copy of the constitution of the institution (e.g. Memorandum and Articles of Association).
    . Directors/Officers make a statement in writing.
    Step 4 – Submit the form and pay the fee
    . The application form must be signed by a director or authorized officer.
    . Mail to: Australian Securities and Investments Commission.



外國公司要到澳洲銷售化妝品,可以指派澳洲公司擔任營業代理人銷售嗎? 擔任營業代理人,其必要條件是什麼?所需文件及申請程序為何?外國公司與營業代理人的產品責任為何?網頁?

If a foreign company wants to sell cosmetics in Australia, can it assign a Australia company to act as a business agent? What are the requests for acting as a business agent? What are the required documents and application procedures? What is the product liability of foreign companies and the business agents? Website?
Evershine RD:

1.期限:自註冊日起每年 8 月 31 日到期。
.輸入上一年度(7/1-6/30)期間進口的工業化學品的價值(澳元)。並確認資料無誤。如果是首次註冊,並且您在上一財政年度沒有引入工業化學品,請輸入 0 澳元。



Yes, the business agent must be an Australian company, and has an Australian Registered Body Number (ABN) and must first complete the commercial registration with AICIS before importing into Australia.

Business registration

  1. Term: expires on August 31 every year from the date of registration.
  2. URL:
  3. It must be an Australian company and have an Australian Registration Number (ABN)
  4. Process:
    .Register account
    .Read the disclaimer
    .Enter the Business Number (ABN).
    .Password reset and login system
    .Enter the value (AUD) of industrial chemicals imported during the previous year (7/1-6/30). And confirm that the information is correct. If you are registering for the first time and you have not introduced industrial chemicals in the last financial year, please enter $0.
    .After payment and confirmation of registration, the company name and registration number are obtained.
  5. Registration fee: The registration fee depends on the value of industrial chemicals imported in the previous year (7/1-6/30).
  6. The value of industrial chemicals = customs value + insurance and freight + customs duties + labor and material costs + factory costs.

Product liability
A product has a safety defect if it does not meet the level of safety generally expected by the public. While the expected level of safety varies from case to case, ultimately it is up to the courts to determine whether a product has a safety defect. For product liability, it is the responsibility of the manufacturer.

Suppliers have the responsibility to monitor and report. When product safety concerns are discovered, suppliers (including importers and distributors must complete the report within 2 days to the best of their knowledge. Mandatory reports are confidential, and reporting does not mean admitting responsibility. However, failing to make the mandatory report may result in a criminal offense or a fine.




Do foreign companies need to apply for an approval before importing cosmetics sold to Australia? If yes, which authority is in charge? What documents are required? What is the application process? Do cosmetics packaging and labeling require prior approval? Which languages are allowed? Website?
Evershine RD:

化妝品無產品許可,但在進口和/或生產化妝品之前,企業必須檢查產品的所有化妝品成分是否已列入AICS並符合使用條件。如果是,只要滿足任何相關條件,該產品就可以進口或製造,無需通知 NICNAS。如果任何一種成分未列在清單中或使用條件與預期用途不同,則對澳洲來說,它是一種新的工業化學品,需要向 NICNAS 通報並評估其對環境和人類健康的風險。


  1. 註冊帳號 (Client ID)
    2.繳交:電子郵件交至 TGA TBS 服務台:
    .風險較高的藥物必須在澳洲治療產品登記冊 (ARTG) 上註冊,其中涉及對產品的品質、安全性和有效性進行單獨評估。
    .含有預先批准的低風險成分且聲明有限的低風險藥物可以在 (ARTG)上列出。
    4.產品註冊資料:標籤(包括標籤清單)、廣告、SPF 測試結果的再現性、穩定性測試、製造和品質控制、允許的成分、新成分。

.按體積或品質(顏色除外)降序列出濃度為 1% 或更高的成分。低於 1% 的成分以任意順序列標示(顏色除外)。最後,顏色添加劑標示可能含有或+/-標題下以任意順序列出。需要注意的是,如果在配料時可能添加產品中的顏色添加劑用於顏色匹配,或者將其用於一系列化妝品中的一種或多種,則可能會列出產品中不存在的顏色添加劑。該清單必須清晰易讀並顯著地顯示在包裝上。
.成分名稱可以寫為英文名稱或國際命名化妝品成分 (INCI) 名稱。
.化妝品中的所有成分都必須列在澳洲化學物質名錄 (AICS)中,或通知 NICNAS 進行上市前評估,除非適用豁免條件(免費樣品/測試儀,以及治療用品)。所有未列入 AICS 並通知 NICNAS 的成分都將接受公共衛生、工作健康和安全以及環境風險評估。

.統一貿易計量立法 (UTML)
.平均數量系統 (AQS) 。
.圓柱形、球形、橢圓形或圓錐形包裝應具有測量標記,該測量標記完全包含在垂直穿過主顯示面板中心的線兩側的 60 度弧內。



.開封後期限 (PAO):時間段以月和/或年為單位,在符號內部或旁邊表示。

Therapeutic supplies need to complete TGA product registration, and cosmetics have no product license.

There is no product license for cosmetics, but before importing and/or producing cosmetics, enterprises must check whether all cosmetic ingredients of the product are listed on AICS and meet the conditions for use. If yes, the product may be imported or manufactured without notification to NICNAS provided any relevant conditions are met. If any ingredient is not on the list or is used in conditions other than the intended use, it is a new industrial chemical to Australia and needs to be notified to NICNAS and assessed for risk to the environment and human health.

Therapeutic Goods Product Registration

  1. Register account (Client ID)
    .Guarantor: The guarantor must be an Australian resident or an Australian body corporate and have a business in Australia, and the company representative lives in Australia.
    .Address Details: Street, Suburb/State, Zip Code, Mailing Address, Business Contact, Billing Details, Email, Phone, Billing Email.
    .Organization Manager: Administrator’s full name (responsible for establishing and maintaining connections to the organization), email, phone.
    .Australian representative: At least one Australian representative must be retained. For overseas agents, please designate the Australian representative of your organization as the authorized contact person. Full name, email, and phone number must be kept.
  2. Submit: Email to TGA TBS Service Desk: ebs@health.gov.au
  3. Product registration
    .Higher risk medicines must be registered on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG), which involves an individual assessment of the quality, safety and effectiveness of the product.
    .Low-risk medicines that contain pre-approved low-risk ingredients with limited claims can be listed on (ARTG).
  4. Product registration information: label (including label list), advertisement, reproducibility of SPF test results, stability test, manufacturing and quality control, allowed ingredients, new ingredients.
  5. URL: https://www.tga.gov.au/


  1. List of ingredients
    .List ingredients with a concentration of 1% or greater in descending order by volume or quality (except color). Ingredients below 1% are listed in random order (except color). Finally, color additive designations may contain or be listed under the +/- heading in any order. It should be noted that color additives that are not present in the product may be listed if they may be added to the product for color matching at the time of formulation, or if they are used in one or more of a range of cosmetic products. This list must be legible and prominently displayed on the packaging.
    .The ingredient list must be on the product itself. If container space/size is limited, a label message needs to be displayed to inform consumers.
    . Ingredient names can be written as English names or International Nominated Cosmetic Ingredients (INCI) names.
    .If the product contains any flavors (i.e. materials or combinations used to create or mask a particular flavor), the ingredients list must include one of the following words: flavor, aroma.
    .If the product contains any fragrances, the ingredients list must contain one of the following words: fragrance, fragrance, fragrance.
    .All ingredients in cosmetic products must be listed on the Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances (AICS) or notified to NICNAS for pre-market assessment unless an exemption applies (free samples/testers, and therapeutic supplies). All ingredients not listed on AICS and notified to NICNAS will be subject to public health, work health and safety and environmental risk assessments.
  2. Declaration
    .Claims on cosmetic labels are often determined by the ingredients used, especially the concentration. Claims must ensure that they are cosmetic only and do not provide any therapeutic action. All claims must be properly substantiated.
    .If there is a dispute and it is necessary to apply for a claim, it can be confirmed by the following methods: clinical testing, sensory testing, market research, technical literature.
  3. Packaging
    prepackaged goods
    .Weight: The measurement of weight can be determined by two methods of common measurement of prepackaged goods or constant nominal content.
    .Uniform Trade Measurement Legislation (UTML)
    .The average content of the sample size cannot be less than the amount indicated on the package. The underweight of pre-packaged products shall not exceed 5% of the specified weight.
    .Subsidize items such as soap or products that reduce weight after packaging.
    .Average Quantity System (AQS).
    .Look at the average net content of samples during the production of the prepackaged item and measure no less than the amount listed on the packaging.
    .A small number of articles may have more than tolerable defects.
    .The amount of any item in the sample shall not exceed twice the stated tolerable deficit.
    .Weight or volume measurements must be shown on the main part of the packaging. The part shown to buyers has to be one of these.
    .Cylindrical, spherical, elliptical, or conical packages shall have measurement marks fully contained within a 60-degree arc on either side of a line perpendicular to the center of the primary display panel.
    .If embossing or embossing is used instead of printing, the measurement marks must be at least three times the size of the minimum printed characters above.
  4. Name and address
    .The name and street address of the packer (or the person to whom it belongs) must be clearly visible on the product packed in Australia. The address must be a street address in Australia, other addresses are not allowed.
    .Size or position is not required, but must be legible.
  5. Ingredients
    .Information on the ingredients listed on products should be provided to consumers at the point of sale.
    .The ingredient list must be listed on the container or outer packaging/carton.
    .If the size, shape or nature of the container does not permit ingredient labeling by any of the above methods, an additional leaflet display may be attached at the point of sale for consumers to know.
  6. Other
    .Post Open Period (PAO): Time period in months and/or years, indicated inside or next to the symbol.
    .Declaration of origin, country of origin.
    .Product declaration, manufacturing declaration.




Can a foreign company apply for a product license by its own name? If yes, which authority is in charge? What documents are required? What is the application process? Do cosmetics packaging and labeling require prior approval? Which languages are allowed?? Website?
Evershine RD:

化妝品無產品許可,但在進口和/或生產化妝品之前,企業必須檢查產品的所有化妝品成分是否已列入AICS並符合使用條件。如果是,只要滿足任何相關條件,該產品就可以進口或製造,無需通知 NICNAS。如果任何一種成分未列在清單中或使用條件與預期用途不同,則對澳洲來說,它是一種新的工業化學品,需要向 NICNAS 通報並評估其對環境和人類健康的風險。


  1. 註冊帳號 (Client ID)
    2.繳交:電子郵件交至 TGA TBS 服務台:
    .風險較高的藥物必須在澳洲治療產品登記冊 (ARTG) 上註冊,其中涉及對產品的品質、安全性和有效性進行單獨評估。
    .含有預先批准的低風險成分且聲明有限的低風險藥物可以在 (ARTG)上列出。
    4.產品註冊資料:標籤(包括標籤清單)、廣告、SPF 測試結果的再現性、穩定性測試、製造和品質控制、允許的成分、新成分。

.按體積或品質(顏色除外)降序列出濃度為 1% 或更高的成分。低於 1% 的成分以任意順序列標示(顏色除外)。最後,顏色添加劑標示可能含有或+/-標題下以任意順序列出。需要注意的是,如果在配料時可能添加產品中的顏色添加劑用於顏色匹配,或者將其用於一系列化妝品中的一種或多種,則可能會列出產品中不存在的顏色添加劑。該清單必須清晰易讀並顯著地顯示在包裝上。
.成分名稱可以寫為英文名稱或國際命名化妝品成分 (INCI) 名稱。
.化妝品中的所有成分都必須列在澳洲化學物質名錄 (AICS)中,或通知 NICNAS 進行上市前評估,除非適用豁免條件(免費樣品/測試儀,以及治療用品)。所有未列入 AICS 並通知 NICNAS 的成分都將接受公共衛生、工作健康和安全以及環境風險評估。

.統一貿易計量立法 (UTML)
.平均數量系統 (AQS) 。
.圓柱形、球形、橢圓形或圓錐形包裝應具有測量標記,該測量標記完全包含在垂直穿過主顯示面板中心的線兩側的 60 度弧內。



.開封後期限 (PAO):時間段以月和/或年為單位,在符號內部或旁邊表示。

Yes, therapeutic supplies need to complete TGA product registration, and cosmetics have no product license.

There is no product license for cosmetics, but before importing and/or producing cosmetics, enterprises must check whether all cosmetic ingredients of the product are listed on AICS and meet the conditions for use. If yes, the product may be imported or manufactured without notification to NICNAS provided any relevant conditions are met. If any ingredient is not on the list or is used in conditions other than the intended use, it is a new industrial chemical to Australia and needs to be notified to NICNAS and assessed for risk to the environment and human health.

Therapeutic Goods Product Registration

  1. Register account (Client ID)
    .Guarantor: The guarantor must be an Australian resident or an Australian body corporate and have a business in Australia, and the company representative lives in Australia.
    .Address Details: Street, Suburb/State, Zip Code, Mailing Address, Business Contact, Billing Details, Email, Phone, Billing Email.
    .Organization Manager: Administrator’s full name (responsible for establishing and maintaining connections to the organization), email, phone.
    .Australian representative: At least one Australian representative must be retained. For overseas agents, please designate the Australian representative of your organization as the authorized contact person. Full name, email, and phone number must be kept.
  2. Submit: Email to TGA TBS Service Desk: ebs@health.gov.au
  3. Product registration
    .Higher risk medicines must be registered on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG), which involves an individual assessment of the quality, safety and effectiveness of the product.
    .Low-risk medicines that contain pre-approved low-risk ingredients with limited claims can be listed on (ARTG).
  4. Product registration information: label (including label list), advertisement, reproducibility of SPF test results, stability test, manufacturing and quality control, allowed ingredients, new ingredients.
  5. URL: https://www.tga.gov.au/


  1. List of ingredients
    .List ingredients with a concentration of 1% or greater in descending order by volume or quality (except color). Ingredients below 1% are listed in random order (except color). Finally, color additive designations may contain or be listed under the +/- heading in any order. It should be noted that color additives that are not present in the product may be listed if they may be added to the product for color matching at the time of formulation, or if they are used in one or more of a range of cosmetic products. This list must be legible and prominently displayed on the packaging.
    .The ingredient list must be on the product itself. If container space/size is limited, a label message needs to be displayed to inform consumers.
    . Ingredient names can be written as English names or International Nominated Cosmetic Ingredients (INCI) names.
    .If the product contains any flavors (i.e. materials or combinations used to create or mask a particular flavor), the ingredients list must include one of the following words: flavor, aroma.
    .If the product contains any fragrances, the ingredients list must contain one of the following words: fragrance, fragrance, fragrance.
    .All ingredients in cosmetic products must be listed on the Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances (AICS) or notified to NICNAS for pre-market assessment unless an exemption applies (free samples/testers, and therapeutic supplies). All ingredients not listed on AICS and notified to NICNAS will be subject to public health, work health and safety and environmental risk assessments.
  2. Declaration
    .Claims on cosmetic labels are often determined by the ingredients used, especially the concentration. Claims must ensure that they are cosmetic only and do not provide any therapeutic action. All claims must be properly substantiated.
    .If there is a dispute and it is necessary to apply for a claim, it can be confirmed by the following methods: clinical testing, sensory testing, market research, technical literature.
  3. Packaging
    prepackaged goods
    .Weight: The measurement of weight can be determined by two methods of common measurement of prepackaged goods or constant nominal content.
    .Uniform Trade Measurement Legislation (UTML)
    .The average content of the sample size cannot be less than the amount indicated on the package. The underweight of pre-packaged products shall not exceed 5% of the specified weight.
    .Subsidize items such as soap or products that reduce weight after packaging.
    .Average Quantity System (AQS).
    .Look at the average net content of samples during the production of the prepackaged item and measure no less than the amount listed on the packaging.
    .A small number of articles may have more than tolerable defects.
    .The amount of any item in the sample shall not exceed twice the stated tolerable deficit.
    .Weight or volume measurements must be shown on the main part of the packaging. The part shown to buyers has to be one of these.
    .Cylindrical, spherical, elliptical, or conical packages shall have measurement marks fully contained within a 60-degree arc on either side of a line perpendicular to the center of the primary display panel.
    .If embossing or embossing is used instead of printing, the measurement marks must be at least three times the size of the minimum printed characters above.
  4. Name and address
    .The name and street address of the packer (or the person to whom it belongs) must be clearly visible on the product packed in Australia. The address must be a street address in Australia, other addresses are not allowed.
    .Size or position is not required, but must be legible.
  5. Ingredients
    .Information on the ingredients listed on products should be provided to consumers at the point of sale.
    .The ingredient list must be listed on the container or outer packaging/carton.
    .If the size, shape or nature of the container does not permit ingredient labeling by any of the above methods, an additional leaflet display may be attached at the point of sale for consumers to know.
  6. Other
    .Post Open Period (PAO): Time period in months and/or years, indicated inside or next to the symbol.
    .Declaration of origin, country of origin.
    .Product declaration, manufacturing declaration.




What documents are required when importing approved cosmetics into Australia? What is the procedure? Any preparation is required to submit to the Ministry of Health and Welfare for selling products? Website?
Evershine RD:

  1. 執照和許可證:治療用品需完成產品註冊、商業註冊;化妝品需完成產商業註冊,並確認商品安全、品質。
  2. 登記:澳洲農藥和獸藥管理局 (APVMA)註冊登記
  3. 估價:所有進入澳洲的進口商品都需要準確估價,以計算相關關稅、關稅、費用和稅費。交易價格以進口貨物的實際支付(或應付)價格為基礎,並作一定調整。海關在計算交易價值時使用貨物出口當天(而不是貨物到達澳洲當天)的匯率。
  4. 稅費、關稅和收費
  5. 具備澳洲商業號碼(ARBN/ ABN)
  6. 標籤和說明:標籤需要符合規範,以英文標示並且容易閱讀。如果商品不符合標籤要求,可能會被扣押。
  7. 進口報關(報關單分為三種):價值超過1000 澳元的物品的進口報關單、通過空運或海運到達且價值低於 1000 澳元的物品的自評清關 (SAC) 聲明、價值超過1000 澳元的清關前入庫物品的倉庫申報單(N20)。



Import process

  1. Licenses and permits: Therapeutic supplies need to complete product registration and business registration; cosmetics need to complete production and business registration, and confirm product safety and quality.
  2. Registration: Registered with the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Administration (APVMA)
  3. Valuation: All imported goods into Australia require an accurate valuation in order to calculate relevant duties, duties, fees and taxes. The transaction price is based on the actual payment (or payable) price of the imported goods, with certain adjustments. Customs uses the exchange rate on the day the goods are exported (not the day the goods arrive in Australia) when calculating the transaction value.
  4. Taxes, duties and charges
  5. Have an Australian business number (ARBN/ ABN)
  6. Labeling and Instructions: Labeling needs to be compliant, in English and easy to read. Items may be seized if they do not meet labeling requirements.
  7. Import customs declaration (customs declarations are divided into three types): import customs declaration for items worth more than AUD 1,000, self-assessment clearance (SAC) statement for items arriving by air or sea with a value of less than AUD 1,000, and declarations for items worth more than AUD 1,000 Warehouse declaration form (N20) for goods in storage before customs clearance.
  8. Information required for import
    .Trade contract
    .Packing List
    .Commercial invoice
    .Bill of lading
    .Certificate of Origin
    .Component analysis table, etc.


No sale notification.


澳洲化妝品審核機構,需要附上的實驗室檢驗資料有哪些? 網頁?

What are the laboratory inspection materials that need to be attached for verification? Website?
Evershine RD:
毒物標準 (SUSMP)

  1. 標籤
  2. 初級包裝和直接容器
  3. 使用說明、安全說明。
  4. 急救處理方式。
  5. 製造商或經銷商的名稱和地址。
  6. 數量、比例或強度的陳述。
  7. 運輸容器和包裝材料。
  8. 禁止事項。
  9. 批准的集裝箱。
  10. 兒童安全閉合裝置。
  11. 儲存要求等。
    注意:自 2020 年 7 月 1 日起,禁止使用動物測試數據來支持化妝品成分資料。

Toxic Substances Standards (SUSMP)

  1. Label
  2. Primary packaging and immediate container
  3. Warning statement, approved name and amount, proportion or strength.
  4. Instructions for use, safety instructions.
  5. First aid treatment.
  6. Name and address of manufacturer or distributor.
  7. Statements of quantity, proportion or intensity.
  8. Shipping containers and packing materials.
  9. Prohibition.
  10. Approved container.
  11. Child safety closures.
  12. Storage requirements, etc.

NOTE: Effective July 1, 2020, the use of animal testing data to support cosmetic ingredient profiles is prohibited.





After a foreign subsidiary imports cosmetics and entrusts a distributor in Australia to sell it, does the distributor need a cosmetics business license? What are the respective responsibilities of foreign subsidiaries and distributors if cosmetic products have quality defects? Is it joint liability? Or can the responsibility of the foreign subsidiary be regulated?
Evershine RD:
1.期限:自註冊日起每年 8 月 31 日到期。
3.外國公司:外國(非澳洲)企業,需要先取得澳洲註冊機構號碼 (ARBN)。
.輸入上一年度(7/1-6/30)期間進口的工業化學品的價值(澳元)。並確認資料無誤。如果是首次註冊,並且上一財政年度沒有引入工業化學品,請輸入 0 澳元。

澳洲註冊機構號碼 (ARBN)
第 1 步-確保名稱可用:https://asic.gov.au/for-business/registering-a-company/steps-to-register-a-company/company-name-availability/
第 2 步-繳交 401 表格
.ASIC 註冊代理號碼(如果適用)
.是否已繳交姓名保留以保留機構的名稱? 如果是,請提供姓名;如果不是,提議的名稱是否與在澳洲註冊的企業名稱相同?如果是,請提供企業名稱註冊詳細資訊
第 3 步-附上證明文件
第 4 步-繳交表格並繳交費用



Yes, dealers need to complete business registration with AICIS first.
business registration

  1. Term: expires on August 31 every year from the date of registration.
  2. URL: https://www.industrialchemicals.gov.au/business/register-your-business-and-renew-your-registration/how-register
  3. Foreign companies: Foreign (non-Australian) companies need to obtain an Australian Registered Body Number (ARBN).
  4. Process:
    .Register account
    .Read the disclaimer
    .Enter the business code. (Australian company ABN; foreign company ARBN)
    .Password reset and login system
    .Enter the value (AUD) of industrial chemicals imported during the previous year (7/1-6/30). And confirm that the information is correct. If you are registering for the first time and no industrial chemicals were introduced in the previous financial year, please enter AUD 0.
    .After payment and confirmation of registration, the company name and registration number are obtained.
  5. Registration fee: The registration fee depends on the value of industrial chemicals imported in the previous year (7/1-6/30).
  6. The value of industrial chemicals = customs value + insurance and freight + customs duties + labor and material costs + factory costs.

Australian Registered Body Number (ARBN)

  1. URL:
  2. Process
    Step 1 – Make sure the name is available:

    Step 2 – Submit Form 401
    .Contact Name/Job Description
    .ASIC registered agent number (if applicable)
    .Phone number, address
    .Body corporate name
    .State or territory of incorporation/incorporation
    .The legislation under which the institution was established or established
    .Has a name reservation been filed to reserve the institution’s name? If yes, please provide the name; if no, is the proposed name the same as the business name registered in Australia? If yes, please provide business name registration details
    .Unit, Class, Street Number, Street Name, Suburb/City, State/Region, Zip Code, Hours of Operation, Does the Company Occupy Space of Registered Office?
    .Details of director or principal: position held, date of appointment, name or company name, residential address, street number and name, suburb/city, state/territory, postcode, country (if not Australia), place of birth (town) /city)(state/country)
    .Applicant Statement: Name, Identity, Signature, Date Signed
    Step 3 – Attach supporting documents
    .Certified copy of Certificate of Incorporation/Incorporation.
    .Certified copy of the constitution of the institution (e.g. Memorandum and Articles of Association).
    .Directors/Officers make a statement in writing.
    Step 4 – Submit the form and pay the fee
    .The application form must be signed by a director or authorized officer.
    .Mail to: Australian Securities and Investments Commission.

Yes, dealers need to complete business registration with AICIS first.

  1. Term: expires on August 31 every year from the date of registration.
  2. URL: https://www.industrialchemicals.gov.au/business/register-your-business-and-renew-your-registration/how-register
  3. Foreign companies: Foreign (non-Australian) companies need to obtain an Australian Registered Body Number (ARBN).
  4. Process:
    .Sign up to create an account
    .Read the disclaimer
    .Enter the business code. (Australian company ABN; Foreign companies ARBN)
    .Password reset and login system
    .Enter the value in Australian dollars of industrial chemicals imported during the previous year (7/1-6/30). And confirm that the information is correct. If you are registering for the first time and you have not introduced industrial chemicals in the last financial year, please enter $0.
    .After payment and confirmation of registration, the company name and registration number are obtained.
  5. Registration fee: The registration fee depends on the value of industrial chemicals imported in the previous year (7/1-6/30).
  6. The value of industrial chemicals = customs value + insurance and freight + customs duties + labor and material costs + factory costs.

Australian Registered Body Number (ARBN)

  1. URL:
  2. Process
    Step 1 – Make sure the name is available:

    Step 2 – Submit Form 401
    .Contact Name/Job Description
    .ASIC registered agent number (if applicable)
    .Phone number, address
    .Body corporate name
    .State or territory of incorporation/incorporation
    .The legislation under which the institution was established or established
    .Has a name reservation been filed to reserve the institution’s name? If yes, please provide the name; if no, is the proposed name the same as the business name registered in Australia? If yes, please provide business name registration details
    .Unit, Class, Street Number, Street Name, Suburb/City, State/Region, Zip Code, Hours of Operation of Registered Office Does the company occupy premises?
    .Details of director or principal: position held, date of appointment, name or company name, residential address, street number and name, suburb/city, state/territory, postcode, country (if not Australia), place of birth (town) /city) (state/country)
    .Applicant Statement: Name, Identity, Signature, Date Signed
    Step 3 – Attach supporting documents
    .Certified copy of Certificate of Incorporation/Incorporation.
    .A certified copy of the constitution of the institution (such as the Memorandum and Articles of Association).
    . Directors/Officers make a statement in writing.
    Step 4 – Submit the form and pay the fee
    . The application form must be signed by a director or authorized officer.
    . Mail: Australian Securities and Investments Commission.

Product liability
A product has a safety defect if it does not meet the level of safety generally expected by the public. While the expected level of safety varies from case to case, ultimately it is up to the courts to determine whether a product has a safety defect. For product liability, it is the responsibility of the manufacturer.

Suppliers have the responsibility to monitor and report. When product safety concerns are discovered, suppliers (including importers and distributors must complete the report within 2 days to the best of their knowledge. Mandatory reports are confidential, and reporting does not mean admitting responsibility. However, failing to make the mandatory report may result in a criminal offense or a fine.





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linkedin address:Dale Chen Linkedin
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